Circulation: Marketing and Distribution of Creative Products

3 min readDec 5, 2020


Marketing vs public relations

Similar games. Different goals.

Your public relations strategy will boost your marketing plan by increasing trust in your brand. But come a crisis inevitable, your marketing plan won’t double up as a public relations strategy.

A marketing plan drives sales
Marketing campaigns drive revenue and increase profits

A public relations strategy boosts brand reputation
Public relations may not impact sales, but does promote your brand through events, sponsorships, press releases, etc.

The route consumers?
They engage with your brand via one of your public relations efforts. They convert and become a customer, due to your marketing plan.

What is a public relations strategy?

A public relations strategy is an agile roadmap. Flexible enough.

It’s a roadmap that takes you from your current situation to your end goal. It could be short-term or long-term. A single goal, such as positive media about your latest product release.

Public relations strategy should include: business and consumer communications; events; community relations; influencer marketing; crisis management; internal public relations; media relations and social media.

How to make a good elevator pitch?

What’s the formula for crafting a quick pitch that can take you to the next level?

Recognize you need more than one elevator pitch
Before you get frustrated trying to condense everything you want to say about your business into just a few words, know that you’ll be best off with several versions of your elevator pitch.

Prepare different lengths of your pitches
Having several lengths of pitches can ensure you are always successful in getting your message across, without any embarrassing silences, or mumbling to race the words off of your tongue.

Keep it simple
There may be situations in which you should be using industry tech terms. Tailoring your language and word use can definitely help with connecting. However, in the majority of cases you want your pitch to be incredibly simple. Cut the jargon and fad words. Make sure the average person with no knowledge of your industry gets it.

Know your unique selling proposition
Make sure to highlight what is unique and different about your product, service or company. You need to be different in order to deserve attention.

Have a hook
It is insanely easy to gain opportunities to deliver your elevator pitch. Just ask someone what they do. They’ll almost always return the favor.

Be prepared to answer questions
Be sure you’ve also thought of the questions you are most likely to get after delivering your pitch. If you are successful in gaining their attention, then you have to back up your big claim.

Practice your delivery
The elevator pitch is a multi-million dollar sentence or two. Maybe even multi-billion dollar string of words. It’s worth practicing.

What is marketing communication mix?

A set of tools used to promote products. To a target set of customers.

The key is in the communication, meaning a list of important principles and factors that go. Into the act of promoting those products and services.

Here are the twelve factors commonly associated with the marketing communication mix:





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